CN Video Library



You may customize the script up to 1200 characters.
*Some visuals and information for the video are provided by you.


You will receive a meal 3 times each day. 

Mealtime is not a time for socializing as there are a lot of inmates to feed, so completing your meals and returning to your cell ensures everyone has enough time to eat. 

Our menus allow for modifications based on verified medical or reasonable religious requirements.   

Diabetics who require a snack will be required to provide proof of the medical need upon request.

You cannot sell or gamble your food away.

Once you go through the serving line you may not go back through the line.

You may not cut in line.

You must clean your eating area and turn in all trays, cups, and utensils before leaving.

DO NOT take food or utensils outside the dining hall unless authorized to do so.

Inmates must be in possession of identification at each meal in order to receive a meal tray.

See your handbook for more information about meals.


  • place visuals here once completed

Order Now and Get One Free Video

For a limited time, we are offering the introduction video for free with purchase. Use promo code FREEINTRO at checkout.

Customize at No Extra Charge

Our videos are fully customizable. You can change the scripts and provide some of your own visuals.

Custom Inmate Orientation Video at a Fraction of the Cost

Customize, update and change the order of your videos.  Order as many at a time as you like.

View our Webinar!

CN Video partners with you to help provide a better member experience and revenue opportunities for your organization.  This is a test.