When it comes to video you may not have thought about whether or not music makes a difference. But it actually is a pretty important factor to consider. Today I’ll talk about the some of the benefits and best uses of background music.

You’ve probably watched a video that didn’t have background music. (this one for example)

It probably sounds ok if you don’t have anything to compare it to, but add a little background music.. and it adds interest to the video.

Notice the difference? Background music can keep people’s attention, make your video seem more lively, and set the tone of your video.
You can also remove the music from a section of the video… to emphasize what’s being said…

When adding music to a video, there are a few things to consider. Make sure it’s at an appropriate volume and doesn’t distract from the dialogue. During a long pause it’s okay to increase the volume a bit.

Also, be careful about using copyrighted music. This may mean you can’t use your favorite pop song, even if you’ve purchased the .mp3. If your video is for commercial use, you could be sued if you don’t have the proper licensing.

We subscribe to a music library which allows us the proper licensing to use music in our videos, and on our clients behalf. If you (or your production company) don’t subscribe to this type of service, make sure any music used is public domain and permits commercial use

We hope this was helpful and feel free to check out some of our other videos.