Showing your Project with a Testimonial (or Success Story)

If you’re a contractor, landscaper or any other service that creates a visible difference such as a room addition, remodel or redesign you probably want to show off your work.

When having an important project like this done, most people don’t want to hire someone just from a Google search. They want to know how others felt about working with you.

Putting Your Video on Your Website

Putting your video on your website may be the most important step you take in the whole production process. But it can also seem intimidating.

First, you’ll want to upload your video to youtube. It’s easy to go to youtube, set up an account(if you don’t already have one) and upload your video.

How Timelapse Works

If you’ve looked around our website or YouTube page, you’ve probably seen some of our time lapse videos. You may have even wondered “How did they do that?” We’ll, I’m going to tell you.

You probably already know that video is not a whole lot more than a series of pictures that go by really fast to create the illusion of movement. We call these pictures “frames” and one second of video usually contains either 24 or 30 frames.

How To Appear Natural Confident and Interesting on Video

Have you ever seen a stiff, boring video? Today we will discuss a few ways to avoid this from happening with some helpful tips on how to “Appear Natural and Confident on Video.”

A helpful tip in making a video come alive is sounding natural and confident on camera. The best way to do this is practice! practice! practice! Practice out loud in front of family and friends and get their input. But be warned, sometimes those who care about you the most are your worst critics. Simply take it with a grain of salt, and ask for constructive criticism and positive suggestions only.