How to get more value out of video using a playlist

If you have a series of related videos that you want to present together, or a long video you want to cut into shorter pieces, creating a playlist may be a good solution. Today I’ll talk about setting up a series of related videos using a playlist.

So what is a playlist? It’s a series of videos that play one after another from start to finish. For example we use a playlist for our blogs, but they’re also great for training videos, frequently asked questions, client testimonials… any series of related videos.

How lighting effects the mood of your video

Outdoor lighting produces a cool, blue tint, while incandescent light, like your basic house lamp give a warmer feel. Fluorescent lights fall in the middle of the color temperature spectrum. If you’ve never noticed this, stand near a window in your living room and look back and forth between the window (outside), and the inside of the room. You’ll notice a difference between the warmer color in the room (more yellow), and the bluer/cooler color outside the window.

Benefits of Background Music

When it comes to video you may not have thought about whether or not music makes a difference. But it actually is a pretty important factor to consider. Today I’ll talk about the some of the benefits and best uses of background music.

You’ve probably watched a video that didn’t have background music. (this one for example)

It probably sounds ok if you don’t have anything to compare it to, but add a little background music.. and it adds interest to the video.

Three Ways to Get Camera Ready

No matter how easy I may make it look, being on camera is not effortless. There are a few things everyone should do before recording.

The single most important part of preparing to be on camera is practice. Read your script out loud in front of a mirror several times. Keep practicing until it feels less like you’re reading a script and more like you’re having a conversation. You may also want to invite family, friends or co-workers to watch and critique.